Kira Broz Supervising Conservation Steward Ganondagan State Historic Site (New York) Advised by Dr. Kathryn Amatangelo Thesis: White-tailed deer herbivory impacts on plant community composition and recruitment in western New York deciduous forests
Claire Hartl Natural Resources Intern National Park Service (New York)
Advised by Dr. Kathryn Amatangelo Thesis: Investigation of how vegetation, small mammal interactions, and land-use determine blacklegged tick abundance
Cassandra Wolfanger Fisheries Technician Vermont Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (Vermont) Advised by Dr. Clay Williams Thesis: Biogeochemical cycling of restored and unrestored wetlands of Lake Ontairo
Class of 2018
Kevin Berend Environmental Scientist Tetra Tech (New York)
"Brockport prepared me to be a capable and confident field scientist. The small class sizes and the close-knit community in the department made professors accessible and helped create strong friendships. The classes and lab experiences I had made a lasting impact, and I have carried those skills into my job as a consultant. I'm lucky to have had the research opportunities I did, and my qualifications have taken me all over the country."
Advised by Dr. Kathryn Amatangelo Thesis: Investigating the ecology of a threatened ecosystem: Alpine snowbank communities of Mt. Washington, NH ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Nicole DeRose Industrial Waste Assistant Monroe County Department of Environmental Services (New York)
Advised by Dr. Paul Richards Thesis: The Impact of Septic Tank Systems on the Water Quality of Stream Reaches in the Oak Orchard Watershed
Jeremy Kraus Senior Research Support Specialist Tunison Lab of Aquatic Science (USGS) (New York)
"Brockport enabled me in the field of fisheries research, helping me into my current position. At work, I often recall and utilize the skills and information I learned as a graduate student. This day and age, being able to apply your education to a career is seemingly more rare. I am grateful to be working toward a career I love, Thank you to the Department of Environmental Science and Ecology."
Advised by Dr. Jacques Rinchard Thesis: Interpreting predator - prey interactions in Cayuga Lake fishes using fatty acid signature analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Matt Futia PhD Student The University of Vermont (Vermont)
"My interest in wildlife and the outdoors led me to the Environmental Science department for undergrad. After my sophomore year, I worked in Dr. Rinchard's lab for a summer internship. Following this experience I applied for the BS/MS program and was accepted, starting my Master's with Dr. Rinchard. My Master's was an incredible learning experience as I collaborated with professionals throughout the Great Lakes, presented at multiple conferences, and wrote grants and scientific papers."
Advised by Dr. Jacques Rinchard Thesis: Causes and impacts of thiamine deficiency complex in Lake Ontario salmonines ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kinsey Irvin Fish Culture Seasonal Aide Spirit Lake Hatchery (Iowa)
Advised by Dr. Jacques Rinchard Thesis: Use of fatty acid signatures to explore the river continuum concept
Gregory Lawrence Research Scientist Research Foundation for SUNY Brockport (New York)
"I am a research scientist at SUNY Brockport managing part of the Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands Monitoring Program as well as multiple Great Lakes coastal wetland restoration projects. Research interests include ornithology and bird population monitoring, restoration ecology, peatland ecology, and community ecology, specifically in wetlands and grasslands."
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Obligate grassland breeding bird ecology on island and mainland habitats in the St. Lawrence River Corridor
Eli Polzer Botanist US Army Corps of Engineers (Mississippi)
Advised by Dr. Douglas Wilcox Thesis: Coastal sedge/grass meadow restoration in a periurban wetland via alteration of environmental filters: can hydrological constraint be trumped?
Class of 2017
Kathleen Buckler Biologist/Ecologist US Army Corps of Engineers (New York)
"My Brockport education has given me the skills, tools, and knowledge necessary to tackle some of the Nation's most pressing environmental and water resources issues."
Advised by Dr. Douglas Wilcox Thesis:Methods for restoring sedge/grass meadow community in a Typha-invaded Lake Ontario drowned-river-mouth wetland
Robert Pattridge Senior Lab Coordinator Ward's Science (New York)
Advised by Dr. Jacques Rinchard Thesis: Fatty acid profiles of major prey and predator fish in Lake Ontario: use in assessing food Web interactions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mitchell Owens PhD Student Indiana University - Bloomington (Indiana) Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Land use effects on benthic macroinvertebrate communities in Conesus, Hemlock, Canadice, and Honeoye lakes
Class of 2016
Molly Cassatt District Technician Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District (New York)
Advised by Dr. Douglas Wilcox Thesis: Potential Effects of Climate Change on NRCS Wetland Restoration Easements in Genesee County, New York: A Short-term Hydrological Assessment
Julia York Laboratory Manager Bloodworks Northwest (Washington)
Advised by Dr. Mark Norris Thesis: Relating soil fertility and plant competition to Rhamnus cathartica L. (common buckthorn) invasion success
Class of 2015
Katherine Bailey Barrett PhD Candidate University of Notre Dame
"At Brockport, I spent three summers on Dr. Wilcox's Coastal Wetlands Monitoring Program bug crew- I learned ecology demands persistence, grit, long hours, to be rewarded with new findings. My thesis project on the Olcott Reef in Lake Ontario led me to the world of benthic invertebrates and my love of things unseen. I currently am a PhD candidate at Notre Dame and study the benthic ecology of the Great Salt Lake."
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis:Changes in the benthic macroinvertebrate community of southwestern Lake Ontario following Invasion by Dreissena Mussels, the amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus, and the round goby Neogobius melanostomus: a long-term (1983-2014) perspective
Kate Des Jardin Project Manager Finger Lakes Institutes at Hobart & William Smith Colleges (New York) Advised by Dr. Douglas Wilcox Thesis: Water chestnut: field observations, competition, and seed germination and viability in Lake Ontario coastal wetlands ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andie Graham Instructional Support Technician The College at Brockport, Department of Environmental Science and Ecology (New York) Advised by Dr. Douglas Wilcox Thesis: The effects of Marcellus shale gas drilling sccidents on Wallace Mine Fen in the Moshannon State Forest, Pennsylvania
Class of 2014
Rebecca Bernacki Terrestrial Invasive Species Project Coordinator The Nature Conservancy (New York)
"Brockport helped me grow as an individual and a professional. After working for several years as an environmental consultant, I was able to transition to my dream job, doing invasive species work in the Adirondacks with The Nature Conservancy and the Adirondack Park Invasive Plant Program" Advised by Dr. Mark Norris Thesis: Stimulated emerald ash borer induced changes in Western New York forests. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Robert Cornish Environmental Specialist I New York State Department of Transportation (New York) Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: A quantitative survey of the freshwater mussel (Unionidae) fauna in Honeoye Creek, New York
Bobby Geroux Sales Associate VWR/ Avantor (New York)
"The ENV graduate program is one of the best in the State. You will be challenged but it will help you develop into one of the most skilled Environmental Scientists in the State if not country. It's the perfect blend of high-end research, technical skill while still having the support and intimacy of a smaller university."
Advised by Dr. Jacques Rinchard Thesis: Lipid and fatty acid differences in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) eggs from the Great Lakes, Cayuga Lake, and Lake Champlain ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jennalee Holzschuh Green Goods Buyer/Manager Van Putte Gardens (New York) Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Energetics and migration in songbirds: two case studies examining energetic condition and migration at a northern stopover location
Class of 2013
Christina Cappelli Medical Technologist II Cornell University (New York)
Advised by Dr. Jacques Rinchard Thesis: Dietary effects of non-native species on yellow perch, Perca flavescens, reproductive performance
Evan Rea Visiting QA Specialist University of Illinois, Prairie Research Institute, Illinois State Water Survey (Illinois)
"At Brockport, I worked with Dr. Makarewicz and Ted Lewis on nonpoint source pollution in the Genesee River watershed. Now, I work for the Illinois State Water Survey. We focus on atmospheric deposition and groundwater chemistry. My main duty is to acquire laboratory accreditation, something I first was exposed to at Brockport. My experience and education from Brockport (and perseverance) definitely gave me the advantage I needed to succeed in the job market."
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Watershed assessment of the Canaseraga Creek watershed, including water quality analysis, SWAT model, and investigation of the applicability of a nutrient biotic index ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Justin Rogers Association Executive Director Cornell Cooperative Extension (New York) Advised by Dr. Mark Norris Thesis: Invasionecology of Acer platanoides in an old growth urban forest
Class of 2012
Mellissa Winslow Environmental Analyst Town of East Hampton (New York) Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Water quality analysis of Black Creek watershed: identification of point and nonpoint sources of pollution and loading simulation using the SWAT model
Dale Pettenski Surface Warfare Officer-Fire Control Officer Naval base San Diego-USS Higgins DDG76 (California)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Oatka Creek water quality assessment: identifying point and nonpoint sources of pollution with application of the SWAT model
Class of 2011
Nate Grosse Environmental Specialist New York State Department of Transportation (New York)
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Grassland bird ecology and vegetation characteristics in a large grassland in western New York ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Blake Snyder Microbiologist Environmental Protection Agency (Georgia) Advised by Jacques Rinchard Thesis: The effect of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) on lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) alevins using Artemia nauplii enriched with commercial emulsions and dry diets
Class of 2010
Rhonda Hudgins Retired (Iowa)
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Habitat selection, dispersal and detectability of cobblestone tiger beetles (Cicindela marginipennis Dejean) along the Genesee River, New York
Brad Mudrzynski District Manager Genesee County Soil & Water Conservation District (New York) Advised by Christopher Norment Thesis: Use of shrub habitats by fall birds at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge, Alabama, New York
Class of 2008
Scott Wells Aquatic Biologist NYSDEC - Region 4 Fisheries (New York)
"My graduate research at BP gave me an advantage as a new aquatic biologist in DEC. I ended up sampling in 2 large watersheds in WNY for my MS, identifying 70 fish species and GIS/habitat mapping every site. No doubt that process made for a much easier and superior transition into becoming a asset in DEC vs other newcomers with only a BS. My 396 pg thesis speaks for itself." Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Habitat associations of fish species and their assemblages in the Tonawanda and Johnson Creek watersheds of Northwestern New York State
Class of 2006
Marc Chalupnicki Research Technician USGS Tunison Lab of Aquatic Science (New York)
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Assessing industrial contamination of Brockport Creek after removal of contaminated sediment
Class of 2004
Hillary Mosher Coordinator for the Finger Lakes PRISM Finger Lakes Institute at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (New York) Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Trends in mirex concentration in Lake Ontario salmonines and sediments
Class of 2000
Karla Balent Homemaker Tennessee
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Spatial structure of a Grasshopper Sparrow population in Mendon Ponds, New York ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Brian Burke
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Habitat sustainability comparisons for creek and hornyhead chubs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Judy Robinson U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Follow-up vegetation and avifaunal surveys on wetlands restored through U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Partners for Wildlife Program, Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Class of 1998
George Cook Benthic Macroinvertebrate Consultant Rochester, NY
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Chironomids as indicators of water quality in Irondequoit Creek ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Lowie Assistant Refuge Manager US Fish and Wildlife Service
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Habitat requirements of stream spawning walleye ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class of 1997
Gregory Jones Professor Santa Fe Community College
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Stopover of neotropical and temerate landbird migrants on the south shore of Lake Ontario ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gregory Lampman Project Manager NYS Energy Research & Development Corp.
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Trophic interactions in Lake Ontario: the zooplankton-phytoplankton link ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gordon Mengel Aquaculture Liaison Director U.S. Department of Agriculture
Advised by Dr. Joseph Buttner Thesis: Potential and success of walleye spawning in the Salmon River, Tyendinaga Territory, Ontario, Canada ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenneth Weaver Biologist Florida Department of Environmental Protection-Everglades
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Zooplankton beta diversity within Great Lakes coastal wetland
Class of 1996
Charles Ardizzone Biologist U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Grassland bird ecology in western New York. 1. Experimental analysis of nest predation in New York grassland: effects of habitat and nest distribution. 2. Habitat selection ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bruce Cady
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: The effects of zooplankton grazing and nutrients on the phytoplankton of Conesus Lake, NY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Carol Cloen Aquatic Resource Manager South Puget Sound Region, Washington Department of Ecology
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Ultraviolet-B penetration in the water column and its effect on the American toad, Bufo americanus ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Helen Nale High School Biology Teacher Rush-Henrietta, NY
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Benthic macroinvertebrates of Sandy Creek: characterization and use in water quality analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christopher Roberts Nature Conservancy
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: The effects of habitat fragmentation on the breeding success of Scarlet Tanagers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Philip Tangorra Laboratory Technician Monroe County Department of Pure Waters
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Sediment chemistry of Irondequoit Bay, NY
Class of 1995
Stephen Joule Wildlife Biologist U.S. Department of Defense
Advised by Dr. Christopher Norment Thesis: Amphibians of Iroquois National Wildlife refuge: an assessment of community composition and heavy metal contamination ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mary Merner Water Quality Chemist Monroe County Department of Pure Waters
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Trends in mirex residue in Lake Ontario salmon: 1992 to 1997 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Anthony Verna
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: The paleolimnology of Irondequoit Bay: trophic history inferred from sedimentary diatom assemblages
Class of 1994
Anna Brooks Senior Chemist Monroe County Environmental Health Labe
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Levels of mirex and photomirex in breastmilk ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Judy Burz Biology Teacher Brockport, NY
Advised by Dr. Buttner Thesis: Culture of yellow perch in recirculating systems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gregory Crego
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Effects of alewife predation on zooplankton community structure in Honeoye and Conesus Lakes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Steven Miller Regulatory Analyst NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: An analysis of factors potentially limiting the abundance of the zebra mussel in Salmon Creek, Monroe County ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Class of 1993
Gary Brown Senior Biologist Environmental Health Lab
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Investigation of generalized watershed loading function predictions on Sodus East Creek watershed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Linda Holloway
Advised by Dr. Joseph Buttner Thesis: Culture of black bullhead in cages and open ponds ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Eileen Malloy-Desormeau Biology Teacher Hilton, NY
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Trophic interactions: the relative importance of Dreissena filtration and Daphnia grazing on phytoplankton abundance and water clarity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Timothy Stewart Associate Professor Iowa State University
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Benthic macroinvertebrate community changes following zebra mussel colonization of southwestern Lake Ontario
Class of 1992
Dana Aultman Statistician Eastman Kodak Co.
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Spring thermal fronts and salmon distributions in Lake Ontario
Class of 1991
Michael Letson Technical Specialist Ecology and Environment Corp
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: An experimental test of the crayfish as a control mechanism for submerged aquatic macrophytes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Michael Murray Analytical Laboratory
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Residues of mirex and photomirex in eggs and fillets of Lake Ontario coho and chinook salmon
Class of 1990
Norma Puckett Laboratory Technician Montore County Department of Pure Waters
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Trophic interactions and alewife predation in Conesus Lake ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Samuel Renyaan Professor of Biology Indonesia
Advised by Dr. Joseph Buttner Thesis: Effect of temperature on survival, growth and feed conversion of black bullhead
Class of 1989
Stephen Duda Environmental Scientist Wersar Corporation
Advised by Dr. Joseph Buttner Thesis: Controlled spawning of laboratory reared fathead minnows and effect of different diets on survival and growth of fry ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Joutje Koapaha Teaching at the College Level Indonesia
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Leptodora kindtti: seasonal population abundance and food web interactions in Lake Ontario ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Gregory Teal Quality Control Chemist Columbia Analytical Services
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Nutrient loadings into Conesus Lake
Class of 1988
Barry Fry Environmental Scientist/Manager Columbia Analytical Services
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Alpha and PBm as functional indicators of aquatic ecosystems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sarah Kuss Field Biologist Cornell University
Advised by Dr. Joseph Buttner Thesis: Effect of fertilization rate and zooplankton inoculation on zooplankton populations in earthen ponds without fish
Class of 1987
David DeVault III Coordinator Great Lakes Fish Monitoring
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Effects of wind stress, wind speed and direction on phytoplankton abundance in the nearshore zone of Lake Michigan ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Heidi Firsencel Laboratory of Ornithology Cornell University
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: The black tern: breeding ecology in upstate New York and results of pesticide residue analyses ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Glenn Gerber Endangered Species (Herpetofauna) Coordinator San Diego Zoo
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Movements and Behavior of smallmouth bass and rock bass in southcentral Lake Ontario and two tributaries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Theodore Lewis Research Scientist SUNY Brockport
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Exchange of mirex between Lake Ontario and its tributaries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mary Shea Laboratory Manager Wastewater Treatment Plant
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Mysis relicta: production, vertical migration and life history of the Lake Ontario Population
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: A review and evaluation of regulatory, design and environmental impact considerations for Great Lakes recreation development
Class of 1984
Brian Kent Chemical Process Development Specialist General Electric Co. (New York)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Mirex and its metabolites: trend in levels of Lake Ontario salmon
Class of 1983
Maureen Leupold Professor Genesee Community College (New York)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Blue-green algal mats from acidified lakes: mat structure and pH response of algal isolates ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
David Nettles Atlantic Salmon Recovery Coordinator Lake Champlain, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (New York)
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Ecology of Lake Ontario brown trout ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Andrew Schreffler Forest Insect Research Florida State University (Florida)
Advised by Dr. Southwick Thesis: Honeybee physiology and ecology
Class of 1982
Dorothy McKellar Environmental Biologist Stone & Webster Engineering Co. (Massachusetts)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Growth response of Anacystis nidulans to sodium, phosphate and potassium ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ernest Mellas Professor of Biology Monroe Community College (New York)
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Effect of dummy telemetry transmitter attachments on swimming performance and behavior of rainbow trout and white perch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
George Pesecreta President Pesacreta Consultants Chapel Hill (North Carolina)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: A reexamination of stratification processes in Ides Cove, NY, with reference to sediment geochemistry
Class of 1981
Michael Calaban New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (New York)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: The effect of temperature and density on the amplitude of vertical migration of Daphnia magna
Class of 1980
Charles McCormack
Advised by Dr. James Haynes Thesis: Stamina and feeding responses of rainbow trout fitted with dummy biotelemetry devices
Class of 1979
Samuel Insalanco Vice President O.H. Materials
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: Routine determination of mirex and photomirex in fish tissue in the presence of polychlorinated hydrocarbons
Class of 1978
Alan Amering Scientist Eastman Kodak Co. (New York)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: An organic energy budget for the New York State Barge Canal
Class of 1977
Doyle Roarabaugh Environmental Biologist Institute of Paper Chemistry (Wisconsin)
Advised by Dr. Joseph Makarewicz Thesis: The role of autochthonous production in the formation of dissolved and particulate organics in laboratory streams ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Arthur Robb Water Quality Analyst Michael Baker Association (Pennsylvania)
Advised by Dr. Terry Haines Thesis: A survey of selected heavy metals in fish and water of the New York State Barge and Cayuga-Seneca Canals
Class of 1976
James Mansky Field Biologist U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (New York)
Advised by Dr. Terry Haines Thesis: Unknown
Class of 1974
Fred Stoss Librarian Oak Ridge National Laboratory Global Warming Library (Tennessee)
Advised by Dr. Terry Haines Thesis: Effects of toluene on the ontogenetic development of the fish, Oryzias latipes, the Japanese medaka
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